Thursday 28 October 2010

Bodrum & Gumbet

Caught the bus to Bodrum and then Gumbet. It was like stepping back in time. Reminded me of a visit to the Port (Portrush) when I was young. One street of shops, and tac ones at that, but they did have Tescos. Got fed up with the shop owners tring to mimic our accents and trying out the "Aye dead on and "Bout yee" sayings. No doubt some airhead who has been drinking on an empty head has thought it funny to pass on their Belfast sayings. I left them with a gem of a one that they can use next season "Shut the **** up"
Back to Bodrum and decied to get a Turkish shave. I was unaware that I had paid for the services of the Butcher of Bodrum who drew blood, a little scratch but drew my red stuff still the same. Time for a few pints...
Heading back to the bus I saw this little cat with what looked like a broken paw. I sat on the kerb to see it and it jumped up onto my knee. It was lovely and did indeed have a gammy paw but seemed to have it under control and never showed any sign of being in pain. Bless it...

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