Friday 15 June 2007

Visit to the Filling Station

Today I had the misfortune of having to refuel. The large vehicle I drive can only fit into certain filling stations and unfortunately some don't have a separate HGV pump which leaves me at the mercy of the common motorist. Today they were all out.
Have you ever went into a filling station which also has the shop where you can buy almost anything. The station I was in has extra parking spaces for shoppers, how thoughtful. Needless to say some people decided to park at the fuel pumps as it's closer to the shop then go off and do their weekly shop. It never fails to amaze me how people drive round and round until they get a parking space as close to the shop door as possible, then they will walk for miles inside the shop? the mind boggles.
A school mini bus arrived (minus pupils) while I was fueling up and the driver was smoking a cigarette. I really don't care if he wants to go down the road of catching a smoking related illness but I do care about the naked flame of his cigarette while I'm standing with a pump dispensing inflammable liquid in my hand and tank of the stuff under my feet. Some people just has no wit. Speaking of no wit, the green van man was driving out of the station, with a sausage roll, steering wheel in the one hand and you guessed it, the mobile up to the ear with the other.

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